Terms and Conditions

This document, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation isofficial offer IP Akhmadeev Lenar Fanurovich
any legal entity or individual entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as the User) conclude an agreement on access to content located in Internet applications: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.emorado.emorado and https://apps.apple. com/us/app/%D1%8D%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%BE/id1561599878 (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) on the terms and conditions set out below.
1. Terms and definitions
Client (customer) - an individual and/or legal entity that has accepted the terms of this offer and/or use the service.
Price List is a valid systematized list of services of a contractor with prices published on the Internet at the following address: www.mobifitness.ru and www.mobifitness.ru/table
Service-connecting for a certain period of additional functionality of the mobile application and service, in accordance with the price list and the conditions of this offer
Authentication data - a unique login (login) and password (Password) of the client used to access the service.
Personal office of the customer - a system available on the website http://mobifitness.ru/cp
Authorization is the process of analysis on the server of the executor of authentication data introduced by the client, as a result of which the client has the right to get a service.
Accounts - the address of the client’s email, password, surname and name
2. General provisions
2.1. These conditions in accordance with Art. 435, 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are a public offer (proposal) of the contractor to individuals and legal entities containing the essential conditions of the contract for the provision of services and the use of the service.
2.2. A complete and unconditional acceptance of this offer is any actions to fulfill the conditions specified in this offer, including payment of services, registration as a client, as well as other actions confirming the person’s intentions to use a mobile application and services.
2.3. Since the acceptance of the acceptance, the client is considered to be familiarized and agreed with this offer and, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is considered to have entered into contractual relations with the contractor in accordance with these conditions.
2.4. The duties of the Contractor are limited to the terms of this offer, in particular, the duties of the Contractor do not include the provision of services to the client to provide access to the Internet. The client provides access to the Internet at his own expense on its own. Also, the Contractor does not provide the possibility of acceptance of electronic messages by the client in the office of the Contractor; Settings and/or diagnostics of equipment and software, as well as training of a client and/or client employees skills in working with software and hardware.
2.5. Services are provided on the conditions defined in the document “Agreement-Operte” (this document) posted in the Internet available on the Internet
2.6. The contractor has the right to change or supplement these conditions at any time both with customer notification and without it
3. Cost and calculation procedure
3.1. The cost of services is determined in accordance with the price list. The cost of services is not subject to VAT in connection with the application by the contractor of a simplified taxation system.
3.2. The contractor has the right to unilaterally change the price list at any time.
3.3. Services are paid by the client on a condition of 100% prepayment, while the method of prepayment of services is determined by the client independently from the number of options proposed on the service website
3.4. The provision of services by the Contractor is carried out after payment by the Client at the time of connecting additional content in the mobile application, the term of which is indicated in the corresponding account for reference.
4. Procedure for the provision of services
4.1. The Contractor provides the client for the duration of the contract is not exclusive, not subject to transfer or alienation in any form that has a limited duration, the right to access a mobile application, provided that this right does not include the delivery of a mobile application and/or service for rent.
4.2. Client access to the management of a mobile application on the Internet by entering an authentication by a client (email and name).
4.3. The reporting period of the provision of services is set in the account
4.4. The expenses, including the banking commission, are assigned to the client to the client under the client.
5. Rules for using the service and mobile application
5.1. Registration of a client in a mobile application is carried out by a client independently by indicating his accounting data. The elements identifying the client in the service is the email address.
5.2. The mobile application is posted by the Contractor in the Google Play Market and Apple Store application store.
5.3. The client is fully responsible for actions and/or inaction, which led to disclosure, loss, theft, etc. His accounting data and other information individualizing the client, as well as for any actions and/or inaction of third parties using the accounting data of the client. The contractor is not responsible for the above actions of the client and/or third parties using his accounting data.
5.4. When using a mobile application, any actions aimed at distributing and copying content located in the appendix are prohibited.
5.5. The client undertakes to comply with the copyrights for the software and documentation provided by the Contractor and/or third parties.
6. Rights and obligations of the Contractor
6.1. The performer is obliged:
6.1.1. In the case of payment of the cost of the service, to ensure the operation of the service, in accordance with these conditions.
6.1.3. Keep records of payment by the client.
6.1.4. Follow the confidentiality of the client’s accounting. The Contractor has access to the client’s information in order to technical support of the mobile application and/or service, and also has the right to access such information in cases of claims from third parties regarding illegal and/or malicious, as well as other actions of the client harmful to harm. Contractor and/or third parties. The contractor has the right to inform the above data only by the competent state bodies in cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Reserve copying of the client’s data in order to prevent information loss is not a violation of the confidentiality of the client’s information.
6.2. The performer has the right:
6.2.1. To suspend the work of a mobile application for the necessary planned preventive and repair work on the technical resources of the contractor, as well as unscheduled work in emergency situations.
6.2.2. To interrupt the work of a mobile application, if, in particular, it is due to the inability to use information and transport channels that are not their own resources of the contractor, or/or inaction of third parties, if this directly affects the work of the service, including in an emergency.
6.2.3. Make changes and additions to these conditions and price list by publishing these changes and additions on the website of the mobile application.
6.2.4. The contractor has the right to update the content, functionality and user interface of the mobile application at any time at his own discretion.
Responsibility of the parties
7.1. По всем вопросам, не урегулированным настоящей офертой, а также при разрешении споров, возникших в процессе ее исполнения, Стороны руководствуются действующим законодательством РФ.
7.2. Клиент несет ответственность за любые свои действия и/или бездействие, как умышленные, так и неумышленные, а равно за любые действия и/или бездействие лиц, использующих его учетные данные, связанные с размещением и/или распространением информации в сети Интернет, получением посредством использования ресурсов Исполнителя доступа к ресурсам третьих лиц, которые повлекли и/или могут повлечь нарушение любого законодательства РФ, Евросоюза или США, а также за любой ущерб, причиненный вышеуказанными действиями и/или бездействием Исполнителю, третьим лицам и нравственным устоям общества. Исполнитель не несет ответственности за такие действия и/или бездействие Клиента или лиц, использующих его учетные данные, а также последствия таких действий и/или бездействия.
7.3. Клиент несет ответственность за любые неправомерные действия и/или бездействие Клиента и/или лиц, использующих его учетные данные, повлекшие причинение любого вреда Исполнителю, включая утрату деловой репутации, и возмещает Исполнителю убытки.
7.4. Исполнитель несет ответственность перед Клиентом только в пределах оплаченных, но не оказанных Услуг. Исполнитель не несет перед Клиентом финансовой ответственности и не возвращает Клиенту уплаченные по настоящему договору денежные средства, в случае если Услуги не были оказаны по вине Клиента, в частности, по причине нарушения настоящих Условий.
7.5. В случае если надлежащее исполнение сторонами настоящих Условий невозможно в силу объективных причин, которые Стороны не могли ни предвидеть, ни предотвратить (стихийные бедствия, изменения текущего законодательства РФ, действия органов государственной власти и управления, военные действия всех видов и т. д.), ни одна из сторон не вправе требовать от другой стороны возмещения причиненных ненадлежащим исполнением или неисполнением настоящего договора убытков (включая упущенную выгоду).
6. Seller details
IP Akhmadeev Lenar Fanurovich
Russian Federation, 460001, Orenburg Region, Orenburg, Chkalov St., 57, apt. 212
TIN 561015453952
OGRN 318565800082325
Settlement account 40802810600001135199
at Tinkoff Bank JSC
Corr. Bank account 30101810145250000974
TIN Bank 7710140679
BIK Bank 044525974
Phone: 8-995-886-09-21
Full name of the leader: Akhmadeev Lenar Fanurovich